Superhero Customer Service: The 13-Point Checklist

Discover 13 Essential Standards To Help You Become the Ritz-Carlton Of Your Industry!

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Superhero Customer Service: The 13-Point Checklist

Discover 13 Essential Standards To Help You Become the Ritz-Carlton Of Your Industry!

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​​Here are just a few of the customer service secrets you'll uncover inside:

  • Why you shouldn’t treat people how you want to be treated. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me there is a better way to look at this old adage.

  • The one word you need to remove from your team's vocabulary. Simply removing this word immediately makes your customers 10x happier.

  • How to bring the magic of Disney to your customers. Yep—you can replicate what the most wonderful place in the world does for their customers—without the billion-dollar budget.

  • Your customers love this particular sound, what is it? HINT: it’s not over complicated and you love to hear it too!

Hi, I’m Hank Ebeling…

I help entrepreneurs and small business owners transform their customer service from plain old ordinary to superhero levels and beyond. As the owner of H4 Training, I have been in the trenches for over 10 + years building a service-first culture and understanding what works and what doesn't. Focusing on customer service has allowed me to build multiple profitable locations, well above average industry retention rates and to be able to spend time with my family by not having to be in front of customers 24/7.

‘The Superhero Customer Service Point Checklist (inspired by what has worked in my small business and other small businesses I have coached) has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners just like you level-up their customer service with a super fast turnaround.

Without it, you’ll stay stuck where you are now; "blending in with the competition", and ultimately leaving referrals and revenue on the table.

With it, you’ll be well on your way to attracting new prospects, keeping the customers you have longer, and doubling your revenue, boosting referrals and getting more 5 star reviews all by focusing on the customer.

The best part is… this one’s on me.

Download now and enjoy!

Industry high retention, never ending referrals, 5 star reviews and double the revenue are just one click away

Hank Ebeling IV | All Rights Reserved | © Copyright 2022